• Critical Medical Supplies for Kyiv

  • How the Campaign Works

    Kyiv Resists’ mission is to fund, procure and deliver medical and communication equipment to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in Kyiv.


    Our team is in daily contact with the Ukrainian Ministries of Health and Infrastructure, as well as Front Line Medical Officers serving in the field. This is how we stay abreast of evolving needs and define which medical equipment is of the highest priority.


    The Team is proud to have partnered with development organization Alinea International to procure, store and deliver the equipment to where it is needed.

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  • The Team

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    Dominic Patella

    Polish / Ukrainian Border

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    Jamie Lee-Brown

    Brussels, Belgium

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    Andrei Iatsenia

    Geneva, Switzerland

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    Antonio Nunez

    Polish / Ukrainian Border

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    Mona Harnett

    Paris, France

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    Lennart Janssen

    Hamburg, Germany

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    Aigerim Nurmakhanova

    Almaty, Kazakhstan

  • Donate

    Donations can be made in USD, EUR and GBP

    Kyiv Resists relies on donations like yours to fund the purchase of:
    • Portable ventilators, circuits and masks;
    • Intraosseous Vascular Access Systems;
    • Bone injection devices;
    • Burn dressings;
    • Tourniquets;
    • Hemostatic Gauze;
    • Emergency (a.k.a Israeli) bandages;
    • Splints; and
    • Chest seal pads

    Your donation will translate into lives saved

  • Kyiv Resists in the Media

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    Kyiv Resists in The Telegraph (UK)

    Kyiv Resists on BBC Radio Newcastle (UK)

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    Kyiv Resists on NBC KOBI-TV 5 Medford (USA)

  • Contact Us

    Feel free to e-mail us with questions or requests for collaboration

